Kundalini yoga classes @ Yoga Tree - 2024

Saturday 12.30-1.30pm

Thursday 7.30-8.30pm

Classes are £18 per person

Or monthly membership of £45

Awake and Enliven retreat

Join us for a day's retreat at Yoga Tree

Awake and Enliven day retreat

🌞 awaken and enliven 🌞

Sunday 2nd June 2024 10am - 5pm Location - The YogaTree, Norwich

Dear Beautiful Souls,

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and soulful rejuvenation?

We are inviting you to our upcoming day retreat, where you'll immerse yourself in a transformative experience designed to energise your soul, tune into yourself, and awaken your senses.

Date: Sunday 2nd June

Time: 10am - 5pm

Location: The YogaTree, Norwich

Indulge in a day filled with activities tailored to foster emotional freedom, liberation, and joy. Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Kundalini yoga to awaken your inner power and vitality.
  • Drumming circle to connect with rhythm and community.
  • Sound healing journey to soothe your mind and uplift your spirit.
  • Plant spirit workshop to deepen your connection with nature.
  • Tisane ceremony for a calming and grounding experience.
  • Self-love journaling workshop to nurture your innermost thoughts and feelings.
  • Delicious vegetarian food to nourish your body and delight your taste buds.
  • Sadhana practice for spiritual growth and mindfulness.
  • Sensory massage journey for ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Personal 1-1 sessions for tailored guidance and support.

Your investment is £88. Please email us at for further information or purchase your ticket.  

[email protected]

Spread the word to your friends, family, soul tribe, sisters, and brothers! We would love to have you all join us for this enriching experience.

To purchase your ticket, please click here  

Learn more about our facilitators

Meet Katrina - Kundalini with Katrina

Katrina is a Kundalini yoga teacher.  She has accomplished 500 hours of yoga teacher training which she gained in India. She also holds a Masters degree in Autism.  Her niche is all about helping gain inner freedom through clearing energetic blockages (chakras). She also specialises in helping neurodiverse people gain inner freedom and find their own voice through Kundalini yoga.

Kundalini yoga is the yoga that focuses primarily on the chakra (energetic) system.  Many other styles of yoga do as well.  However, Kundalini yoga is the yoga that connects your emotional, physical and spiritual bodies together at the source, which is why when we practice, immediately something shifts.

Meet Katie - Bespoke Journey 

Founder of Bespoke Journey, Katie offers exclusive paths to profound transformation and inner awakening. Tailored to reconnect, heal, and transform, Katie's personalised pilgrimages of self-discovery and holistic healing are crafted exclusively for you. Empowering you to embrace life's journey with grace, deeper levels of trust, and purpose.

Experience a deeper, intimate, loving connection with yourself, with Katie as your guide, as she empowers your self-love journey by supporting emotional freedom that will forever change your life and continue to ripple out through you.

In the realm of love and self-exploration, Katie stands as a beacon of light, guiding seekers towards the depths of their being.

Embrace the wild, embrace the mystic, and embrace the love that awaits on the path of self-discovery with Katie Rudland.

Meet Jessica - Plant Journeys 

A devotee to plants, ceromanalist and insight herbalist, Jessica Artemis is passionate about awakening people to their innate ability to have deep relationships with plants, one that can serve them through the trials and tribulations of life, and bring them greater joy, sensuality and creativity, amongst many other things! She runs plant walks, workshops and tisane ceremonies and is guided by the seasons, the moon and the plants which call to her from the green realm.

Jessica will help open our day with the beautiful plant ally, Rose. In the morning we will journey with Rose in a tisane ceremony. A tisane ceremony is essentially a tea ceremony with any other plant than Camellia sinensis (the tea plant). It is one of the oldest forms of ceremony and helps us drop into a place of stillness and receptivity, whilst connecting to our spiritual and emotional heart. It is an essential practice in insight herbalism, which is the type of herbalism that revolves around learning directly from the plants, much like our ancestors did and indigenous communities still do.

Rose facilitates softening and deepening into our heart space. Consuming her medicine at the start of this day will enable us to relax, be clear on our intentions and connect to our inherent love and beauty in a way that is seldom possible in our day-to-day lives.

Later in the day there will be the opportunity to join Jessica in another ceremony but this time with a special herbal blend. This will be a more dynamic and interactive session where we will collectively write a plant spirit invocation, learn about the different modes of perception that are needed in insight herbalism and there will also be the opportunity to understand how plants can be incorporated into your spiritual practice.

Follow Jessica on instagram @jessica_artemis for a taste of what is to come on this wonderful day retreat.

Meet Mel - Mel Rossiter 

Melanie Rossiter runs women’s drumming circles and alchemy crystal bowl sound baths. She is also a cacao ceremony facilitator and the author of Reclaiming Feminine Wisdom and Positive Birth Preparation. In addition she is the creatrix of the Wise Soul Sisters Cards which will be used in the event.

Through the drumming circle we will invite community, fun, connection, empowerment, healing support & the experience of entertainment.

I will start by leading the rhythm in the circle, with a focus on generating positive energy. No experience in drumming necessary! We will find our own rhythms as individuals and a collective.

A drumming circle is an incredibly powerful and fun way to connect with others without the use of language. Drumming circles focus on the rhythm and beats produced by drums and percussion, creating an all inclusive environment where everyone can participate without any musical ability. There are no music skills necessary, drum circles are intuitive and encourage spontaneous and collective music-making. Anyone can join in without any musical knowledge or experience. Drumming circles have been shown to enhance mood, reduce stress and anxiety and even boost the immune system. They can create a sense of belonging whilst offering emotional release and expression. They can improve motor skills and enhance cognitive function.

  • Please let us know if you can provide your own drum and if not drums will be provided.

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive and restorative process that offers a full-body listening experience, inviting waves and vibrations of sound for deep relaxation, whilst therapeutically assisting and nurturing your body and your mind. Research has shown that sound healing can slow down our brain waves and may have an impact on our nervous systems. Slowing the heart, brain and respiratory rates down induces a deep sense of peace. It can also help or support physical, mental and emotional challenges and can relieve stress. The use of sound as therapy stretches far back in history making it ancient in its known benefits.

We will bathe in the sound waves and vibrations of the Alchemy crystal singing bowls, letting them wash over us. The Alchemy Crystal Tones bowls are exquisitely made and patented in the US, each bowl is completely unique and so is the sound. Using the purest, highest grade quality of Quartz as it’s base, then bringing in other crystals, gemstones, or precious metals such as 24 karat gold to bring each bowl it’s own unique healing properties. The Crystal tones bowls are unsurpassed and incredibly resonant. I also use a clear crystal pyramid that is sourced for the highest quality frequency and sound.

Nourishment provided by Faye -

Faye’s passion for intuitive cooking and natural healing is deeply rooted in her personal journey of overcoming chronic illness through the power of food. Since then, she has immersed herself in the study of Ayurveda, blending ancient wisdom with her innate intuition through mindful cooking and the art of connecting with soulful ingredients.

With a focus on Eastern culinary traditions, Faye infuses each dish with her gifts and love, delighting the senses and nourishing the soul. Her dedication to holistic nourishment through food extends beyond the kitchen. Her recipes, crafted with organic ingredients and Ayurvedic spices, grace retreats with creations enriching each gathering with her conscious cooking philosophy and approach to wellness and vitality through nutrition.

Join us for a transformative relaxing, yet invigorating day retreat. Click here to purchase your ticket 

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